Aged Care Support Plan Star Chart
The Aged Care Support Plan Chart is a Star Chart representing the outcomes for residents from their care plan goals. It is a graphical snapshot that:
- Provides a practical summary of a Resident’s outcomes as measured from time to time against the goals.
- Supports the Care Plan Conference conversation with staff and families in a way that cannot be achieved using the full care plan document.
- Can be displayed via a secure portal for families to access, review and provide feedback remotely.
The Goals that are common to all care plans, based on the Aged Care Act, are grouped into 5 objectives for the purpose of summarising the core aspects of care. These objectives are measured against the Resident’s responses to and outcomes from their care plan. They cover the full scope of care by grouping associated care types across the care and lifestyle standards.
The objectives are:
- Cognition and Mental Health: Emotional support; Behaviour management.
- Day to Day Life: ADLs; Mobility, dexterity & rehabilitation; Continence management; Nutrition & hydration; Skin care; Oral & dental care; Sleep.
- Dignity, Choice and Independence: Privacy & dignity; Choice & decision making.
- General Wellbeing: Clinical care; Specialised nursing care needs; Medication management; Pain management; Palliative care; Sensory loss.
- Inclusion and Social Life: Cultural & spiritual life; Leisure interests & activities.The measures are:
The 5 Measures used are designed to summarise overall progress for each objective. The descriptors are intended to represent a person-centred value that is not merely a 'yes' or 'no' response that does not capture the residents' journey in a meaningful way.
- No progress
- Starting to make progress
- Satisfactory progress
- Nearing goal achievement
- Goal met or as good as it can be
The benefits to your organisation from using the Aged Care Support Plan charts includes:
- increased motivation for staff and residents by providing an easy to understand graph of progression towards the goals.
- a more meaningful record of overall outcomes over an extended period of time.
- having a simple and practical measurement tool around which to base care review conversations with families.
- access to quantitative data against which performance, both team and organisational, can be measured.
If you would like to know more or to arrange a demonstration please contact me on 0477005950.
Level 3, 454 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000